New born babies


Pregnancy is an enlightening journey for women. Many emotions are felt for the child in the womb and a woman is intuitive on how to take care of herself and adjust to situations. There are several books on taking care of new born babies and breast feeding. Nutrition is a personal habit and must be taken care of throughout the entire phase of pregnancy. Fortifying oneself with iron and calcium during breast feeding is also important to preserve the balance.


A new born has tender skin and though the occasional glancing may thrill you, it is true that they still cannot focus clearly. Avoiding harsh lights or extreme temperatures is important. Adequately covering the child must be taken care of, as they are adjusting to the new temperature. It is wrong to believe that every time the child cries, one needs to feed the child. The child must be looking for comfort and for now crying seems to be the best way to express any feeling.


New born skin is prone to sensitive application. Rash creams, soaps, moisturizers and oils must be applied only after checking with the pediatrician. Most doctor’s advice gentle massage and avoiding the use of home made creams. Massage is a good habit and encourages bonding. This can be set as a routine prior to bath. There are several baby items available in the market like baby towels, mat, tub and bath toys that is exciting for both mother and the baby.


Usually the new born adjusts well to cloth diapers but there are good branded nappies or diapers that is convenient for both mother and child.  New borns usually do not have a set time table to feed, toilet or sleep and hence this can be taxing for the new mother. In case, one has an elder child then this calls for allocating resources as a helper or cook to set pace with the new demands.


It is important for the new mother to rest well and also eat at regular intervals. Again here eating sensibly is more important that just gorging on high calorie foods. Breast feeding surely makes a mother hungry often and the intake should have the right balance. In case of a C section, one has to be careful about letting the stitches heal well. Simple exercise, pranayama or stretching will give more support to the back.


P.S : Kids grow real fast and hence cherish each moment, time and milestone.

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