How To Deal With Difficult Children

The word ‘Children’ and the word ‘difficult’ have nearly become synonymous at many times in today’s’ fast paced world. Difficult children do not need to receive difficult parental treatment. If anything, these children need to be handled with kid gloves. Yes, Certainly, the gloves come off at times, when there needs to be a strict disciplinary action or two enforced but discipline can be gently parted with at most times

Pointers to parents to deal with difficult children

  1. Children have hearts of gold and this saying will remain a constant. So often, when children are being difficult and a parent thinks yelling or hitting a child is the answer, it is far from the truth. Children respond to warmth. If a child has broken a rule of the house for the first time, be gentle in your explanation to the child. If the same rule is broken the second time, first find out if has been intentional or not. If it’s been done unintentionally then excuse the child and explain again. If it’s broken for the third time, then be stern voiced and tell your child. If any more times, then exhibit a strong tone in voice ( lean towards the beginning of strict by putting your foot down and even firmly raising your voice a bit to prove a point to your child )
  2. Children who are difficult are often coping with different thoughts or insecurities of their own and do not always express them to a parent. This is why when you your child dis-obeying you or being the opposite of behaved, then you must first try to find out what is playing on your child’s mind.
  3. There is a saying Spare the rod and spoil the child. But today, every move is accounted for. Every move of a parent has to be re-thought several times. What used to never be on the radar today has made it to topping lists—-Child Psychology. Child psychologists are making their professional galore across the globe. So parents, think many times before laying a hand to hit a child because as stated before, children today have a different mind structure and a different constitution. Yes, a gentle hit where a child does not really get hurt, once in a way, when things look to get very out of hand, is a possible method of inducing good discipline, but any more than that, you might lose communication and respect of your child for that time.
  4. Give curfews to your teenage kid. (when he or she goes out in the evening) Let your child understand that he or she cannot take curfews and deadlines for granted
  5. Ground them only when necessary (Time-out)
  6. Have a conversation and discussion with your child. Let there even be scope for positive debate and this will leave an impressionable mark on your child
  7. You were a child once too———- Different as you may have been,——— You still  may have been difficult in your own way——-

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