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Teenage obsessions

  Teen trauma is specific for children and a new chapter for parents. Parenting becomes tough when there are siblings of younger age and a simple decision like movie gets to be a brainstorming session….

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Empowering teenagers

  Infants are like clay and easily to be set in a mould. They are sponge and ready to absorb information. They attune to all kinds of teachings and follow their parent’s path. Slowly they…

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Teenage problems

  Teenage problems are much deeper than hair style and acne. Teens are in  a complex stage and they are suddenly exposed to a lot of issues. They are aware of their responsibilities, the world…

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Teenage Stress and Anxiety

  Teenage stress? Anxiety in children? Yes, Teenage stress and anxiety have become as common as adult stress. It is alarming to see the number of teenage kids being depressed, tensed, stressed, sad… Today, the…