Fatigue During Pregnancy

Most women tend to experience bouts of fatigue and lethargy during pregnancy. This is because the body is producing new hormones and making changes to prepare for the arduous labor ahead.

Early pregnancy is the time when the body makes more of a hormone called progesterone. This hormone tends to cause sluggishness and lethargy. More blood too is produced to carry nutrients for the baby, which inevitably means more work for the heart and other organs. Add to these the physical and psychological changes during pregnancy, causing mental and emotional stress. All these factors can lead to feelings of fatigue.

Fatigue During Pregnancy As the term of pregnancy advances, additional weight of the baby further saps the mother- to -be’s strength. There may be difficulty in sleeping, late night cramps and frequent urges to urinate at night. Anemia can also cause fatigue and it is very important to consume iron during pregnancy.

To counter symptoms of fatigue during pregnancy, take short naps during the day or before dinner. If at work, take frequent breaks to pace and renew energy. Make sure to go to bed early. In case symptoms of tiredness are experienced, go to bed immediately and do not wait for the usual bedtime.

Make sure to drink adequate fluids during the day and avoid drinking anything for 2-3 hours before bed time. Have early dinner to avoid symptoms of heart burn. Gently stretch legs before bed time to avoid night time cramps. Exercise in moderate levels can help to maintain good energy levels. Stick to moderate exercise regimen of thirty minutes per day on all days.

At all costs, avoid stressful situations. Cut back on social outings and events that may tire you out. Make a conscious effort to spend time on activities that are immensely soothing and relax you. Meditate and use relaxation techniques such as deep breathing to boost your energy levels and keep you calm and composed.

Do not think of taking on too many tasks to be done in a day. Ask your spouse, children, relatives and friends to help you out as much as possible to tackle household work. Open up to friends and relatives since talking out your fears and apprehensions can help relieve unwanted stress and calm you down. Tuck into foods that have ample iron and protein content. Take required dosages of vitamins and minerals as prescribed by your doctor.